
Buzz user testimonials

You know I love dancing? I love having Buzz so I can feel the rhythm, so I can stay in time. Using Buzz is so great. I don’t have to worry about touching the speakers to feel the vibration to know what song it is.

Phillip S.

When I’m at work delivering packages and driving my route I scan the packages. The machine beeps when it is doen scanning and Buzz alerted me to that. That isn’t something I could never have heard, but the “beep-beep” I felt it!

Jan E.

My partner is emotional, I can feel her voice and the emotions in the voice.

Sylas U.

I’m impressed that I’m continuing to learn different sounds.

Angela P.

I am picking up new things, recognizing feelings of the vibrations and the things around me.

RaVae J.

I am always experiencing new sounds that I hadn’t heard before on a daily basis.

Frank L.

The more I used it the more I found out, and I wanted to keep using it.

Lei W.

I now can go into just about any place with just Buzz and not be wondering if I am going to be understood or if I can understand them.

Robert L.

I actually knew what the song was because of the vibrations, before the lyrics.

Kathryn S.

Buzz alerted me that the water was running. I always accidentally leave it running. It’s those little things and the seemingly little ways that Buzz has enhanced my awareness with my hearing aids.

Sharif R.

The sound that is the most vital, to me, is my baby crying or screeching. That was so helpful for me to get the Buzz alert, and know that was my baby and go and check on her.

Isaac W.

User spotlights

Isaac W.

“The sound that is the most vital, to me, is my baby crying or screaching. That was so helpful for me to get the Buzz alert, and know that was my baby and go and check on her.”

Phillip S.

“You know I love dancing? I love having Buzz so I can feel the rhythm, so I can stay in time. Using Buzz is so great. I don’t have to worry about touching the speakers to feel the vibration to know what song it is.”

Jan E.

“I really like the piano. I regularly attend church and sometimes the sounds in church are hard to discern, but I’m able to pick up the piano with Buzz.”

Matt S.

“…birds chirping, squirrels, and different animal noises. I didn’t realize all this was around me. I feel connected to nature because of Buzz.”

Read about Nancy’s experience understanding speech with Buzz and Adam’s ability to feel the world around him.

Want to see more Buzz user stories? Visit our blog.

How will you use your Buzz?